Great ad. I love your posts, you've even got Tabor preaching about ocean plastic at Pier 1. The whole oceans thing is such a big problem. This weekend at Powershift over 10,000 activists marched on Washington to demand climate action. A. None of the major networks covered it... at all. B. They walked right up to BP and demanded that they pay for the oil spill. C. BP shut the blinds, the corporate equivalent of "NANANANANANANANA I CANT HEAR YOUR NANANANANANAN".
Great ad. I love your posts, you've even got Tabor preaching about ocean plastic at Pier 1. The whole oceans thing is such a big problem. This weekend at Powershift over 10,000 activists marched on Washington to demand climate action. A. None of the major networks covered it... at all. B. They walked right up to BP and demanded that they pay for the oil spill. C. BP shut the blinds, the corporate equivalent of "NANANANANANANANA I CANT HEAR YOUR NANANANANANAN".